The Child Development Center (CDC) is a weekday children’s ministry of the Cabot United Methodist Church (CUMC). The CUMC-CDC has its roots in a church sponsored ministry, and the ministry has grown into the “Child Development Center”, providing both part-time and full-time care. The CUMC-CDC is licensed by the Arkansas Department of Human Services and is an Arkansas Better Beginnings certified facility. Better Beginnings is a voluntary quality rating improvement system for licensed child care and education facilities in Arkansas. All child care facilities in Arkansas are licensed by the Department of Human Services. Minimum licensing regulations primarily address health and safety issues. Better Beginnings looks beyond minimum standards, evaluating the elements of high quality child care and early education experiences.

Edith Sharp
Hours of Operation:
6:00AM-6:00PM Monday-Friday
CDC Phone Number:
(501) 843-9226
Curriculum Standards



In our program children begin to develop early spiritual awareness and to trust their caregivers at our faith-based center through loving, gentle care. Our goals are to provide the continuity of teachers/caregivers, encourage exchange of information with the parents, and to get to know the family and gain their confidence by providing safe, nurturing care. Our little ones will be introduced to colors, textures, sights and sounds through a variety of activities, books, educational games and toys. They will experience age-appropriate play and attention gathering activities that develop cognitive skills. Fun with rhyme and song help develop language skills. Manners and developing respect for oneself and others are instilled to formulate a good foundation for social skills through their growing years and lifetime.


3-4 Year Olds and Pre-Kindergarten:

CDC is committed to helping our children grow in faith. We strive to nurture their belief and understanding of God. We teach a weekly Bible story and verse, helping children to commit them to memory and heart.

Preschool children are wonderfully curious…prime for establishing the foundations of early learning skills. Our goal is to commit to kindergarten readiness in the preschool years. We use Pre-K ELLA (Early Literacy & Learning Awareness) curriculum for our 3 & 4 and Pre-K children. Pre-K ELLA focuses on introduction to reading through dramatic play, manipulative play, and environment print. Our fun curriculum takes your 3 to 5 year olds into the world of the alphabet, numbers, shapes and colors. The children are taught the names and sounds of the alphabet, the letters of their name and how to write their name. The world of numbers is opened wide for preschoolers. They learn that numbers are for counting and taught the beginning fundamentals of addition and subtraction. Our teachers will introduce counting to 50 and number recognition of 1 through 15. We will present more complex shape patterns and teach color mixing to meet their advancing stage of artistic development.

Admission Policies


Age Requirements:
  1. Each child will be placed in a group depending on age as of August 1st each year.
  2. An infant must be 6 weeks by August 1st to enroll
  3. Children will be accepted through the 4th grade.


Fees must be paid in advance and are due the first day your child is scheduled to attend each week. There is a $5 late fee added to the accounts that have not been prepaid by Wednesday of each week. Contact the center for more information about CDC fees.

CDC Annual Registration Fees: (Effective August 12, 2024)

Infants (6 weeks-12 month classes) – $150.00

Toddlers-Preschool (12-18 month class-PreK) – $100.00

School Age Children Enrolled – $100.00

Contact Us

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us through our contact page to learn more about our community and how we can support you on your faith journey.